Shades Tinted Mirrors
Shades Tinted Mirrors
Who says all mirrors need to look the same? Let's make a statement.

for mood and contrast

for calming beachy vibes

for warm tones

for sophisticated elegance
Think different.
Who says all mirrors need to look the same? Add some variety, emotion, and ambience to interior spaces with Shades Tinted Mirrors.

Technical specs.
Max Size
96" x 130"
6mm (1/4")
Color Options

Edge Options

Fabrication Options

Safety Options
Tempering, Laminating
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Order by 10pm. Get standard samples delivered via Fedex Ground in 1-5 days. (Due to popular demand, if a sample is out of stock, please contact John Myers for a sample. We are continuously increasing our sample inventory at Material Bank, and they are working on backorder functionality.)

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