Standard Mirrors

Dependable mirrors made in the USA for over 60 years.

Dreamwalls mirror at IU Health Physical Therapy in Indianapolis-01

Mirrors Perfected

Dreamwalls has been making the finest mirror in the U.S. since 1962. With maximum sizes available up to 100” x 144”, we manufacture both conventional mirrors and copper-free mirrors. We can provide case quantities, truckloads, stock sheets, cut sizes, stoce, and many other options for the professional glazing customer.

Technical specs.

Max Size

100" x 144"


2.5mm (3/32”) to 10mm (3/8”)


Made from mirror-quality clear glass.

Mirror Type

Conventional or Copper-Free

Edge Options
line drawing of a glass clean cut edge-411
Clean Cut
line drawing of a glass seamed edge-411
line drawing of a glass flat polished edge-411
Flat Polished
line drawing of a glass pencil polished edge-411
Pencil Polished
Fabrication Options
line drawing of a hole in glass
line drawing of a cutout in glass
line drawing of a notch in glass
Safety Options

Tempered, Laminated, Vinyl Backed

ASTM C1503, ASTM C1036

Downloads and links.

Specify on
Standard Mirrors Info Sheet-preview
Info Sheet
Mirror Care
Standard Mirrors 5-Year Limited Warranty-Dreamwalls
Standard Guidelines and Tolerances-preview
Revit/BIM Files

Get a sample.

Order by 10pm. Get standard samples delivered via Fedex Ground in 1-5 days. (Due to popular demand, if a sample is out of stock, please contact John Myers for a sample. We are continuously increasing our sample inventory at Material Bank, and they are working on backorder functionality.)

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