Clarity Mirrors

Super clear mirrors for the sharpest reflections.

Dreamwalls Clarity Mirrors at the Nike store in King of Prussia Mall-pic1

Quality Matters

Conventional mirrors have small amounts of iron in the glass that cause a slight greenish tint. Most of the time, it’s barely noticeable. But for spaces that demand the highest quality mirrors, Clarity Mirrors use the highest quality, low-iron glass to ensure the clearest, sharpest reflections possible.

Technical specs.

Max Size

100" x 144"


3mm (1/8”) to 6mm (1/4”)

Made with the highest quality, super-clear low-iron glass.
Edge Options
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Clean Cut
line drawing of a glass seamed edge-411
line drawing of a glass flat polished edge-411
Flat Polished
line drawing of a glass pencil polished edge-411
Pencil Polished
Fabrication Options
line drawing of a hole in glass
line drawing of a cutout in glass
line drawing of a notch in glass
Safety Options

Tempering, Laminating

ASTM C1503 and ASTM C1036 (for annealed mirrors) or ASTM C1048 (for tempered mirrors)

Downloads and links.

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Clarity Mirrors Info Sheet-preview
Info Sheet
Clarity Mirrors 5-Year Limited Warranty-Dreamwalls
Mirror Care
Standard Guidelines and Tolerances-preview
Substitution Request Form-generic-preview
Substitution Form
Revit/BIM Files

Get a sample.

Order by 10pm. Get standard samples delivered via Fedex Ground in 1-5 days. (Due to popular demand, if a sample is out of stock, please contact John Myers for a sample. We are continuously increasing our sample inventory at Material Bank, and they are working on backorder functionality.)

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